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While you're STILL stuck at home... (No. 24)

It's All Greek to Me!

Greek wine has often been associated with Retsina, a form of Greek wine that is made using pine resin. While this may be Greece's most famous style of wine, by no means is it their only. Reinvigorated with a modern approach to winemaking, many Greek winemakers are making wines with ancient varieties and respect for tradition, while also attempting to breathe new life into an ancient industry. While only a small taste of what Greece has to offer, the wines below offer a small glimpse into the exciting, delicious, and unique wines Greece is currently producing.

As with all of our wines and spirits, you can order these right here on our web site,
 or we'd love to talk with you at

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We can usually get your order finished in less than an hour.

Store hours for curbside pick up are from 10AM- 6PM Monday through Saturday,
or wines can be delivered to your home as well!

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